Welcome to this German tutorial page.
Lübeck Haus Bookstore presents the information on these pages that is intended to promote a better understanding and use of the German language.
These links will provide information for finding some excellent help inlearning the German language.
The German/English and English/German dictionaries are a really big help,also. Particularly the LEO English/German one.
And, for German language tutorial books, German language text books, language study guides and workbooks, please go to our bookstore,
Lübecks Bookstore.
The mastery of the German language is important because then one can easily read and understand many more books, history books, engineering books,
science and research reports, periodicals, newspapers, e-zines, and many super web sites on the internet! Plus understand more movies, TV and radio
And of course it is really fun.
The German tutorial software offered on this page are offered for sale in association with Transparent Language.com.
Remember to Bookmark this page so that you can find it easily again.
This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page lists a variety of German English dictionaries.
German-English Dictionaries publishers include Cassell, Collins, Langenscheidt, Oxford, and Rick Steves. Includes full size
and pocket size issues and picture dictionaties. Agriculture, Business, Chemistry, Computing, Crossword Puzzles, Engineering,
Forestry, Hydraulic, Mathematics, Technical and Engineering, Pennsylvania Deitsh, and Yachtman's Ten Language dictionaries.
For more information: Click Here .
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If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, email webmeister at edward@sedelmeier.com