German American Heritage

Grüss Gott, Willkommen, Welcome.
Welcome to our German Americam Heritage web page. This page links to many sources of information for our German American Heritage and our German
roots. These links are for German American and German Canadian web sites as well as those in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and other lands.
Included are links to a selection of Transparent Language tutorial language courses.

Austrian, German, and Swiss cultural events Web Site
Cultural organizations, events and news in the Washington, D. C. area.
German Heritage Society Web Site
Cultural organizations, events and news in the Seattle, Washington area.
The Continental Club Web Site
Maintain a program of Germanic and American activities to perpetuate the Germanic heritage. And maintain the Club's Berghaus.
Pennsylvania Germans Pennsylvania Dutch Books
Lists a number of books on Pennsylvania Germans, their language, their history and culture.
Pennsylvania German Society Web Site
Founded in 1891, the Pennsylvania German Society is an educational organization devoted to the study of the Pennsylvania
German people and their 325+ year history in America.
Pennsylvania German Society Links of Interest
Interesting links to places of interest that are dedicated to the history of Eastern Pennsylvania.
German Canadian Museum of Applied History Home page
Learn about the history of Brunswick (Braunschweig) soldiers in North America..
German Retirement Benefits Home page
This company offers to help process a german pension appication. Text in German or English.
Feierabend Home page
A German pub in Seattle Washington serving German and Paciic Northwest cuisine and eighteen beers from Germany.

German Immigration To America From 1683 To 1940
- German American Immigration
This is an extensive source for German, Austrian, and Swiss immigration information.
- Immigrant Ships
Many informational links for ships comming to America bringing immigrant from 1683 to 1940.
- German Immigration
More immigrants to the U.S. came from Germany speaking countries than from any other country second only to England.
- German American Relations
History of German American relations 1683 - 1900.

Gardening Magazines Subscriptions
- Magazines German Editions
Magazine titles include German Life, Kinder, Playboy, German Politics, Vogue, and Glamour.
- Gardening Magazines
A fine selection, including Organic Gardening, Horticuture, Mother Earth News, Hobby Farms and Fine Gardening.
- Das Fenster
Since 1904, Das Fenster German language magazine has been fulfilling it's role of service to the German-American community.
Today, in our 110th year, our team of talented professional journalists presents interesting and informative articles on a wide variety of subjects,
all in the German language. Our writers provide much of our content that is exclusive to Das Fenster, not found in any other German language
magazines or newspapers in the US, or any other country for that matter. Every month we explore German history and culture, German cuisine,
wellness tips and travel to parts of Germany often overlooked by other German language magazines! Test your knowledge of German history and culture
every month with our exclusive 'Rätselgeschicht' series! And communicate with other German-Americans in our vibrant letters to the editor pages.
All in the German language!
Transparent Language Complete Edition™
Transparent Language Complete Edition is our most comprehensive language-learning software package. This amazing suite contains three classic programs designed to let novice to intermediate level learners take the provided course material into the environment in which they are most comfortable learning.
- Transparent Language Premium Edition – A 15-lesson, interactive, immersion style course
- Byki Deluxe 4 – Research-based vocabulary building system with over 2000 words and phrases, flash cards, pronunciation practice, learning games, and other engaging activities
- Everywhere Audio – A standalone audio course with 4-5 CDs worth of conversation-based content
Learn on your computer, in the car, or download the Byki MP3s onto your mobile device. Wherever you are, we've got you covered!
Available languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, English (ESL for Spanish Speakers), Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Transparent Language

Click on this banner for details.

Pimsleur Language Courses

Pimsleur Language Programs are available in 47 foreign languages and 14 languages for English learners.
A variety of formats: CD, MP3, and our top 4 languages (Spanish, French, Italian, and German) are also available in our new fully-portable interactive Software format (Mac, PC, NOOK compatible).
Price points for every learner: in small chunks (starting in the $20 range) or as complete series (from $119 to $970).

Utility Links
- Return to German Ways Website Directory .
- Visit our Lübeck Haus Bookstore Bookstore Directory.
Browse our bookstore catalogue for all of our extensive book categories.
- Visit online our Kings Street Market Market Directory .
Browse The Kings Street Market Directory for a variety of shopping stores selling books, electronic equipment, computers, software, gardening equipment, tools & equipment, livestock, honey bee hives, groceries, masonry books, tools, & equipment, camping tents, hunting & fishing equipment, and other fine products for your home, den, job, and garden.
- Visit Kings Gate Lodge Website Directory .
Our Outfitters Department offers hunting and fishing equipment, camping tents and equipment, camping supplies, canoes, kayaks, outdoor clothing, groceries, and books.
- Go to Lübeck Haus Store Store Directory .
Offers an extensive selection of books, kindle books, kindle readers, audiobooks, DVD and VHS movies, music CDs, home & office electronics, computers, computer and game software, cellular phones,
power tools, hardware, watches, clothing, apparel, magazines, games and toys.

Thank you for stopping by.
If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, email Edward at
This page was first published November 1999.
This page was last updated March 1, 2023.