Welcome to the German tutorial page.
These pages are sponsored by Lübeck Haus to promote a better understanding and use of the german language. These links will provide some excellent help in learning the German language.
The German/English and English/German dictionaries are a really big help, also. and the LEO English/German one.
The use of German language kindle tutorial books is also a very big help in learning read, write, speak, and understand the German language.
Kindles can be read with Kindle Readers, and your computer.
A And, for German language tutorial books, German language textbooks, language study guides and workbooks, please go to our bookstore, Lübecks Bookstore. The mastery of the German language is important because then one can easily read and understand many more books, history books, engineering books, science and research reports, periodicals, newspapers, e-zines, and many super web sites on the internet! Plus understand more movies, TV and radio programs.
And of course it is really fun.

Kindle Readers

German For Beginners

German Tutorial Links
Audio Forum has several excellent German tutorial courses Click Here
In addition to their language courses on CDs, they offer German language VHS movies, dictionaries and other help.
Professor Lixl of the University on North Carolina at Greensboro NETZSPIEGEL.
A good online beginning german language primer.
Online German-English Dictionary
LEO English/German Dictionary LEO
An excellent dictionary, the best that we know of on the web.
German language textbooks Lübecks Bookstore
Learn German online Homepage
Provides advice & resources for German as a foreign language.
Learn business German Click Here
Intensive Courses in Business German.
True Fraktur Fonts Homepage
All fonts are in the PK-ZIP format.
True Fraktur Fonts Homepage
German language videos Homepage
Over 2000 rare and out-of-print classic German videos and volksmusik shows
for sale or rent in the USA

German Language Tutorial Software
These German language tutorial software courses are ideal for anyone who wants to learn German "from scratch" or brush up on those classes you may have taken back in college or high school (but may have forgotten!).
The Rosetta Stone program offers a comprehensive course of study for beginning learners, continuing on to German language proficiency. The program contains real-life images and phrases in complete lessons and more than 250 hours of mastery instruction in listening comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing. Systematic structure teaches vocabulary and grammar naturally, without lists and drills. There are reviews, exercises, and tests for every lesson with automated tutorials throughout the program.
(Designed for students ages 6 and older)
We offer this German Language Tutorial Software for sale in association with Amazon.com.
FOR SOFTWARE DETAILS: For individual software title descriptions, prices, and availability, click on the software title. Read the software title details, then to purchase, place your software in the shopping cart at the Amazon.com page and complete your purchase by following their shopping cart instructions.
To return to this page to locate more software, click on your browsers back button .
ORDERING SOFTWARE: To order any software title listed on our bookstores catalogue pages, click on the software title. Place your software in the shopping cart at Amazon.com and complete your purchase by following instructions at the Amazon.com page.
If you are not ready to complete your purchase at that time, your software title can remain in the shopping cart until you are ready to purchase the software titles, your choice can be "stored" for up to eighty nine days. Then when you are ready to complete your purchase, return to Amazon.com and their shopping cart. Then complete your purchase by following their shopping cart instructions.

Learn To speak the German Language With Kindles
For more learn German Language instruction using this search box, first remove (All) above. Then add Books & Textbooks.
Then remove Search Amazon above. Then enter learn German Language instruction. Then click on GO.

German Language Books and Magazines
- German Magazine Subscriptions German Editions.
Select your German magazine subscription from over one hundred German Editions of many of their popular English editions.
- Lübeck Haus Bookstore German Books.
German language instruction with books, software, tutorial books, German/English dictionaries, background books, and cultural studies.
- German Language Magazine Das Fenster.
Since 1904, Das Fenster German language magazine has been fulfilling it's role of service to the German-American community. Today, in our 110th year, our team of talented professional journalists presents interesting and informative articles on a wide variety of subjects, all in the German language. Our writers provide much of our content that is exclusive to Das Fenster, not found in any other German language magazines or newspapers in the US, or any other country for that matter. Every month we explore German history and culture, German cuisine, wellness tips and travel to parts of Germany often overlooked by other German language magazines! Test your knowledge of German history and culture every month with our exclusive 'Rätselgeschicht' series! And communicate with other German-Americans in our vibrant letters to the editor pages. All in the German language!

German Language Courses
- Lübeck Haus Bookstore German Language Courses
Click on and select your German language course on DVDs, or choose any other language instruction course.

German Language Translators
- Translate German/English, or English/German using Google Translator.
Translate one word, or a paragraph from language to another.
- Translate German/English, or English/German using Yahoo Translator.
Translate one word, or a paragraph from language to another.
- Translate German/English, or English/German using Bing Translator.
Translate one word, or a paragraph from language to another.
Utility Links
- Page One German interests directory
- History German, Austrian, and Swiss history links
- Return to the Pacific Northwest Home Gardeners Website Directory .
Offers books, tools, and equipment for home gardening, raising livestock, and extensive help in growing vegetables, fruit trees, and nut trees.
- Lübeck Haus Bookstore Bookstore Directory .
An extensive selection of books and audio books from many categories.
- Visit online our Kings Street Market Market Directory .
Browse The Kings Street Market Directory for a variety of shopping stores including bookstores, other stores provide electronic equipment, computers, gardening books, gardening equipment & tools, livestock, honey bee hives & supplies, groceries, camping supplies, camping tents, hunting & fishing equipment, stone masonry books, masonry tools & supplies, and other stores offer products for your home, job, den, and garden.
- Visit Kings Gate Lodge Website Directory .
Our Outfitters Department offers hunting and fishing equipment, camping tents and equipment, camping supplies, canoes, kayaks, outdoor clothing, groceries, and books.
- Go to Lübeck Haus Store Directory .
Offers an extensive selection of books, kindle books, kindle readers, audiobooks, DVD and VHS movies, music CDs, home & office electronics, computers, video games, computer and game software, power and hand tools, cellular phones, hardware, clothing, watches, jewelry, magazines, games and toys.

Auf weidersehen.
If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, email us at edward@sedelmeier.com
This page was last updated July 8, 2023.