This our German genealogy resource page.
This web page has good genealogy links for doing research in family genealogy. These links link to many of the major genealogy sites for genealogy researchers both in the U.S., Canada, and Western Europe.
Links for Church records and immigration ship departures are included.
However, web links for Michigan and Germany, Austrian, Swiss, Tyrolean genealogy sites are emphasized.
An excellent source of true fonts for Fraktur printing is available at the Gutenberg Press and a good book for understanding the German Fraktur and old German handwriting is now available on the book catalog page for genealogy at Lübecks Bookstore.
And when you need any good genealogical books to help in your research, visit Lübecks Bookstore's Genealogy Books

German Genealogy Web Links

German genealogy Homepage
Many important links to web sites in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Also includes sites for some of the former German Landers, territories, and settlements.

Black Forest genealogy Homepage
This is very good site for Baden-Württenburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, and other cities in the Black Forest area. Lots of links and information.

Pommerscher Freistadt Verein Pommern

Hohenzollern Homepage
Schwäbische Linie und Frankische Linie: Auf Deutsch

German genealogy Homepage
Lots of german genealogy links.

German genealogy on the web Cyndis List
Many good links, sources of genealogical info and how to search in Germany.

Frequently asked questions of German Genealogy FAQS
An excellent source of hard to find information

Germanic Genealogy Homepage
Many excellent links are available here.

German genealogy Suchen Links
Sie suchen ihre vorfahen in Deutchland?

German telephone numbers TELEFONBUCH
German/English: Type in a surname, only, and every listing with that name in Germany will be displayed.

German postal codes Post Info
Die PLZ und Strassenauskunft für Deutschland. (Auf Deutsch)

German postal codes Postleitzahlenbuch
Das Postleitzahlenbuch für Deutschland oder U.S.A. (Auf Deutsch/Englisch)

U.S. Postal codes U.S. Postal Codes
The postal codes for U.S.A. (In English)

Historische Karten/Historical Maps. Maps
Addressen des Landesvermessungsämter in Deutschland: All present States are included.

German placename etymology Ortsnamen
This page will help in defining city, towns, or other place name origins.

Deutsche Dialete/German Dialects German Dialects
Definitions, regions and a large dialect placement map.

Genealogy links for Michigam Cyndis List

Michigan US GenWeb Genealogy Homepage

Roots web Homepage
The internet's oldest and largest genealogy site.

Ships and passenger lists Ships
Ship departures, and passenger lists, fron Germany.

USGenWeb Archives Archives
One of the largest on-line genealogical sources.

Deciphering old handwriting Homepage
This page deals with old English handwriting.

The Gutenberg Press Homepage
History of Fraktur, German True Font Fraktur script software, and more.

German Genealogical research before the Church records began. Homepage
Informational page for search methods, especially in Baden-Württemberg.

A great research for finding hard to find villages or ones no longer in existance. While intended for jewish genealogy researchers, it may be useful for anyone searching for towns and villages in Central and Eastern Europe.

Sometimes a letter written to the mayor of a town or village or a letter to the Heimatkundlicher Verein Wardt in the village or nearest town can help to locate information about your relatives in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland.

Utility Links

Return to German Information Directory
Visit Burg Jägerhof Castle Site
A medieval German castle and information site.
Visit the Sedelmeier family Homepage
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We carry an extensive selection of books at great prices.
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If you have comments, questions or additions, email Webmeister at

This page was last updated March 02, 2012.