Grüss Gott. Willkommen.
We hope that you will enjoy your visit here and find information that you can use, and that you will learn many good things about Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
And have lots of fun exploring new places, visiting familiar places, and learning new things. Perhaps you are planing a business trip or a special vacation.
On this page we have assembled what we think is an excellent directory of links to all things German. Links cover Austria, Bavaria, Hesse, Prussia, Österreich, Schweiz, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania, Lower Saxony,
North-Rhine Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Switzerland, and Thuringia.
Many of these links are in German, however some are in German and/or English.
Please visit our Lübeck Haus Bookstore, Bookstore Directory.
Browse our book selections for that special book in German or in English. If we don't have listed what you are looking for, please use
the browser boxes near the bottom of the bookstore directory page.
We have included a link for those who may wish to view or perhaps order their own German and Austrian Bundeslander Flags.
Remember to Bookmark this page so that it is easy to find again.
Web Links For Germany
Planning your trip to Germany, try the German National Tourist Board
German Consulate General San Francisco, California Web Site
The official representation of the Federal Government of Germany in the Pacific Northwest.
A great European vacation starts in one of the German Cities
Select from all of the major German cities. Includes info on castles, hotels, tours, shopping, trips, maps, and much more.
Discover Germany in an interactive way! German States
Select one of Germany's sixteen states for your vacation or intellectual choice. View videos of the city of your choice throughout Germany.
Panoramic photographic views of Cities of Germany
This outstanding site presents panoramic photographic views of more than 300 locations in 25 German cities. Each panorama view can be viewed in a large cinemascope format.
German Bundeslander Flags Staat kennzeichnet
Offers 3' x 5' polyester flags for each of the German and Austrian Bundeslander Flags.
Plan a vacation at Lake Constance Bodensee
In German/English
Brandenburg history, castles, travel info. German/English Brandenburg
In German/Auf Deutsch
A great castle vacation also starts in Barvaria
Visit Dracula' Castle Bran Castle
Website for Bran castle in the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania.
Zeitungen und Magazine aus Deutschland
Also, for planning assistance try the GERMAN
German American Chamber of Commerce HOMEPAGE
The German version of Yahoo YAHOO DEUTSCHLAND
This is good search tool also.
Information and facts on Germany
The German Länder BundesLänder
A short but well written history on each of the sixteen German Länder.
Study abroard in Germany University of Oldenburg
University of Oldenburg provides an interesting German university website.
To check out airplane flight data on LUFTHANSA
Lernen ungefähr Deutschland und die deutsche Sprache Click Here
Offer a comprehensive study of Germany and the German language, in English.
German language Tutorial page

Web Links For Austria & Switzerland

Web Links For Pennsylvania Germans
- Pennsylvania Germans
The Pennsylvania Germans were people from Germany, Prussia, Austrian-Hungary Empire, Switzerland, and other areas of Europe, who all spoke a variation of the German Language. Collectively the Pennsylvania Germans were referred to as the Pennsylvania Dutch. To some degree this may be because Deutsch sounds like Dutch to English speakers.
This Bookstore link offers books for Pennsylvania German history, architecture, culture, communities and farm life, immigration, Pennsylvania Dutch cooking, needlepoint works, chip carving, woodcarving, language and fraktur writings, pennsylvania deitsh dictionaries, folk art and picture books.
- The Pennsylvania German Society
Founded in 1891, the Pennsylvania German Society is a nonprofit, educational organization devoted to the study of the Pennsylvania German people and their 325+ year history in America. For anyone interested in helping to preserve, advance, and disseminate knowledge of the culture of the Pennsylvania Germans, often known as "The Pennsylvania Dutch," no investment can pay better dividends than membership in The Pennsylvania German Society.
Building with strength upon a firm foundation that spans more than a century, The Pennsylvania German Society promotes scholarly research, publishes, and offers meetings and educational programs to its members and to the general public.

German Classical Music, Marching Music, Home & Garden Magazines
- The Lübeck Haus Bookstore has German and Austrian Classical Music Composers
Welcome to the Music Department of Lübeck Haus.
- The Lübeck Haus Bookstore has Strauss Best Waltzes and Polkas

Welcome to the Music Department of Lübeck Haus.
- The Lübeck Haus Bookstore has Home & Garden Magazines
Offers several popular gardening magazines, including Gardening and Horticulture, Home Design and Decor, Sustainable Living, Country Living, Log Homes, Cosmopolitan, and Home and Gardens.
Strauss Music
To find more Strauss Music using this search box, first change ALL ( above ) to Music. Then remove the words, Search Amazon. Then enter Strauss Music. Then click on Go.
German Songs ancd Music
To find Beer Drinking Songs using this search box, first change ALL ( above ) to Music. Then first remove the words, Search Amazon, Then enter German Beer Drinking Songs. Then click on Go.
German Classical Music
The Lübeck Haus Bookstore offers these German classic music composers including Brahms, Mozart, Strauss, and Wagner.
To find German Classical Music using this search box, first change ALL ( above ) to Classical Music. Then first remove the words, Search Amazon, Then enter Classical Music. Then click on Go.

Transparent Language Complete Edition™
Transparent Language Complete Edition is our most comprehensive language-learning software package. This amazing suite contains three classic programs designed to let novice to intermediate level learners take the provided course material into the environment in which they are most comfortable learning.
- Transparent Language Premium Edition – A 15-lesson, interactive, immersion style course
- Byki Deluxe 4 – Research-based vocabulary building system with over 2000 words and phrases, flash cards, pronunciation practice, learning games, and other engaging activities
- Everywhere Audio – A standalone audio course with 4-5 CDs worth of conversation-based content
Learn on your computer, in the car, or download the Byki MP3s onto your mobile device. Wherever you are, we've got you covered!
Available languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, English (ESL for Spanish Speakers), Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Transparent Language

Click on this banner for details.

German Language, Customs, & History
Click on German Dictionaries
We have several good German/English dictionaries and other books to help you in your study of the German customs, German language, German people, and German history.

Informational Links
- Page two Collecting Banknotes, coins, stamps, and collectibles
- Page three Alphorns, Schuhplattler, Alpentanzer
- German recipes Recipes for Breads, Desserts, and more.
- Page four Customs, traditions, festivals, songs, and folklore.
- German tutorial Learn to read, write, and speak German.
- Genealogy German genealogy links
- History Page Links for German, Austrian, and Swiss history.
- German Ways Return to German Ways Homepage
Utility Links
- Old Castle Shop
Medieval castle works, stone masonry projects, masonry and timberframing tools and books.
- Falconry
Burg Jägerhof's falconry page offers books, equipment, and falconry links.
- Lübeck Haus Bookstore
Offers a selection of books on Prussian history.
- Visit online our Kings Street Market Market Directory .
Browse The Kings Street Market Directory for a variety of shopping stores selling books, electronic equipment, computers, software, gardening equipment, tools & equipment, livestock, honey bee hives, groceries, masonry books, tools, & equipment, camping tents, hunting & fishing equipment, and other fine products for your home, den, job, and garden.
- Visit Kings Gate Lodge Website Directory .
Our Outfitter Department offers hunting and fishing equipment, camping tents and equipment, camping supplies, canoes, kayaks, outdoor clothing, groceries, and books.
- Lübeck Haus Bookstore
Offers an extensive selection of technical, scientific, educational, stone masonry books, gardening, and how-to books.
- Lübeck Haus Store.
Offers an extensive selection of books, kindle books, kindle readers, audiobooks, VHS & DVD movies, music CDs, home & office electronics, computers, computer software, video games, digital cameras, cellular phones, power & hand tools, hardware, clothing, jewelry, watches, magazine subscriptions, games and toys.
- The Washington Institute of Dendrology Research.
The Washington Institute of Dendrology Research is a scientific and educational nonprofit corporation based in Washington State. Our primary goal is to support critical pathology research into the causes, control, prevention, and the eventual eradication of some of the devastating invading diseases that affect the health of the forest trees, shade trees, and our crop trees.
In addition the forestry researchers will work diligently to find safe natural means to effectively control the many insects that harm the trees of our forests.

Remember to Bookmark or Add To Favorites this page so that you can find it easily again.
If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, email Webmeister at
This page was updated February 12, 2023.